APEX Thinking – July 05 2018

When was the last time your project didn’t go well, the team didn’t perform as expected and the goal had to be changed, or if met, it took a lot more effort to get there? We should be looking at our team’s collaboration skill. A study was created to see how teams perform. Who performed the best? CEOs? No. MBA Business Analysts? No. Blue Collar people? No. The kindergartners, of course, did. Why? They were looking for someone else to take charge or wait for status management to kick in. They got the task done better than the other groups who should know better. What is there to change with your team? Improve the team’s collaboration by going back to their youth where they grabbed a piece and started working on it. Take a bigger risk today.

From the Team Collaboration Series:

“Relearning to collaborate like you did in kindergarten gets your goal accomplished.” ~ Joe Dutkiewicz

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