If you knew you were given everything in perfection, in unending quantity, and in total availability, what would your life look like? Would you surround yourself with beauty and luxury? What actions would you take with what you have in your reach? Where would your best investment be? You might not find this perfection, abundance, and access right now. You might say that you have everything you need right now. Is there a relationship you are supposed to seek and to have which you are not involved in at this moment? You like everyone else have been given these gifts to enjoy. An attitude, a belief quiet or audible, a habit or the lack of doing is preventing you from realizing these special gifts. Otherwise, you would not be saying that gift to help others is not for me. Will you amplify the illumination of your path forward?
“You were given peace of mind, harmony, perfect health, perfect expression, and prosperity. What is preventing you?” ~ Joe Dutkiewicz
#intentionalliving #empowerment #engagement #growthhacking #leadership #crayonleadership #joedutkiewicz #hr #shrm #management #mindset #entrepreneurial #apexleadership #teamwork #apexliving #illumination