APEX Thinking – April 17 2018

Sometimes people look out from their window and wonder why the world has been against them. They might wish they could break out and reach a long-held dream but things seem to keep them where they are. Do you feel your forward progress has an anchor at times dragging behind you? That anchor is your focus being behind you. Rather than taking that next step something like a belief, habit, perception or relationship is countering your desire. Where is your faith being placed? Address the fear and let it go.
“Am I where I am because of the fears I retain?” ~ Joe Dutkiewicz
#intentionalliving #empowerment #engagement #growthhacking #leadership #crayonleadership #joedutkiewicz #hr #shrm #management #mindset #entrepreneurial #apexleadership #apexthinking #apexliving #illumination