APEX Thinking – April 13 2018

What is your team, e.g., family team, work team, community team, dealing with today? Do they feel short on time, work-life pressures escalating, deadlines mounting, more work demands with fewer people, others on the team not carrying their weight? Do you feel it too? Gaining control of yourself and your day will lead to living at the top of your life. There are people around us or least from afar that look to have the same pressures that are living at the top. Why not you or your team? Effective use of time by controlling your focus and learning that what you build takes time. Ever assemble a puzzle? You can do it better with another person. It still takes a period of time to create the complete picture. So it is with our lives. Employ and continue to develop yourself in these mighty components to living at the top!
“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” ~ Leo Tolstoy
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