APEX Thinking – March 19 2018

What are you hoping for? Often people get good for a short time in developing skills, taking steps to their goal and persist through the startup phase. Sometimes they “I got this” and then find a way to not do it today and then the next day and the next day. Over the last week or month, the person built a habit. When the interest was lost, the habits stopped too. Small actions over a period of time will get you to a point. Maintaining or moving to the next point requires consistency and persistence of one’s actions. What are you doing today to get to your elusive arrival destination?
“Like nature, last week’s habits give you this week’s results. What result do you want tomorrow?” ~ Joe Dutkiewicz
#intentionalliving #empowerment #engagement #growthhacking #leadership #crayonleadership #joedutkiewicz #hr #shrm #management #mindset #entrepreneurial #apexleadership #apexthinking #apexliving #illumination