APEX Thinking – March 12 2018

What does your team do with the daily process? Are you getting the same results? Is performance less than it could be? Sometimes there is a better way to work smarter not harder. Successful teams employ major redesign to get a better result. They get clever about the redesign and then monitor and care for it long after the major change has occurred. There will be dissent at first as similar to the beliefs held dear by people. Departure point commitments will be high by the team. APEX level thinking leaders will hold dear the challenge because the cause is great and we are not meant to make things complex.
“Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough, and I can move the earth.” ~ Archimedes
#intentionalliving #empowerment #engagement #growthhacking #leadership #crayonleadership #joedutkiewicz #hr #shrm #management #mindset #entrepreneurial #apexleadership #apexthinking #apexliving #illumination