APEX Thinking – February 20 2018

What have you done today to make a significant change or which leads to doing so? What are your cries about the status quo that isn’t changing your world? People sometimes cry out against an atrocity in their world expecting the government or someone else to step up and make a change. These people yearn for something else and do nothing because they feel it is someone else’s responsibility. If gunshots are ringing out in your neighborhood, are you waiting for the police to be called by someone else? If you see children at risk of being swept into the daily world of ignorance, what awareness are you raising to make strides to touch their lives and lift them up? If your life is stuck without making a difference in your world, we need you to recognize it and change the path. Leverage the resources around to say, “I have a dream and I need you to help me realize it.”

“Quit something that doesn’t make a difference to do something that does.” ~ John C. Maxwell

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