APEX Thinking – February 09 2018

You are living in chaos. Never before has there been so many distractions that are calling for a piece of your day. You believe you are in control because you make it through each day checking off the lists. What are you showing for this? What are your results? Some people might say that they have certain items that own, have a family, went on a glorious vacation, have a wonderful house. What do you share with others? How much do you delve into your true thoughts and feelings to understand why you are where you are and why you are not living in what you are meant to live in? Let’s get real an go past the outside image and get down and dirty with what is inside deep in your core. Share with a trusted friend, with an impartial trusted professional and remove the protective wall. This is the day to let it all go and begin being true to the self you don’t even know is awaiting the breakthrough to shine forth.
“Light is easy to love. Show me your darkness.” ~ R. Queen
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