APEX Thinking – October 31 2017

A lesson we can learn from the night of knocking on doors for the annual grab n’ go applies to developing toward our dream. People will sit and watch others achieve their success and do little to get to their own reward. Kids aren’t afraid to go after want their want, candy, and go to even extremes to tap into the abundance for their treasure. Why do we not knock on the doors before us to reach our dream, to pour ourselves into the effort to reach our legacy?

“Adults often seek the trick in their lives rather than going after their treat knocking on opportunity’s door to receive their dream.” ~ Joe Dutkiewicz
#intentionalliving #empowerment #engagement #growth #growthhacking #leadership #vision #plan #purpose #sweetspot #makeadifference #significance #change #relationships #powerofthought #attitude #apexthinking #growthmindset #bemorethanthedot #crayonleadership #joedutkiewicz #evolution #socialskills #emotionalintelligence #hr #shrm #management