Are you wanting more out of life? Are you overwhelmed by the activities, responsibilities, where you are in life? Do you know your dot may end tomorrow on your timeline and become a dash, a flatline? What are you doing today to improve, to give that extra 1% to leave something of value for another. Time is a treasure. Joe Dutkiewicz, CEO and chief leadership thought partner of Crayon Leadership, discusses this urgency in your life. Will you do a little more each day? It has a great impact on your life and for others. You may say “Joe, I am giving it all I have just to keep where you are. How can I do more?” Listen in. Let me know if what I propose connects or does not? Why or Why not? I know in my own life each day I can be more effective, to stretch myself. I don’t know where my dot will become a dash. Become discontented with yesterday.
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