APEX Thinking – July 24 2017

To which thoughts are you listening today? Are they in alignment with your values? Are they leading you closer to your goal or dream? Leaders embrace THICK to get the right thoughts moving through them and clearing the ones from yesterday that won’t get them there. “What are the weeds that need to be whacked to get at the great thoughts that lead to action on your passion?” ~ Joe Dutkiewicz

#intentionalliving #empowerment #engagement #growth #growthhacking #leadership #plan #purpose #makeadifference #success #significance #change #relationships #powerofthought #attitude #apexthinking #growthmindset #bemorethanthedot #thought #johnmaxwell #quote #crayonleadership #joedutkiewicz #evolution #socialskills #eq #hr #shrm #management #creativity