APEX Thinking – June 29 2017

Fear of change is overwhelmingly the greatest obstacle to embracing being a more effective person, having a more effective team or organization. Even though change happens all around us, we have a hard time accepting it. We drag ourselves through it instead of leading it. Today, the iPhone was released 10 years ago. The change because of it has shaped today. More change is forthcoming. We need to answer through preparations today the future needs, to evolve to meet our call. “If one belief can hold you back, what one belief will you adopt to move forward today?” ~ Joe Dutkiewicz

#intentionalliving #empowerment #engagement #growth #growthhacking #leadership #vision #plan #purpose #sweetspot #makeadifference #practice #success #significance #change #relationships #powerofthought #attitude #apexthinking #growthmindset #bemorethanthedot #thought #quote #crayonleadership #joedutkiewicz #evolution #mentalstrength #socialskills #emotionalintelligence #hr #shrm #management