APEX Living Moment June 27 2017 – Leaders Re-Create (Day 1 of 7)

Are you living in isolation or in re-creation? What is your body language and thought when others enter the room? How are you characterizing them? Is there a level of dislike or do you recognize and welcome them for who they are? Joe Dutkiewicz, founder and chief leadership thought partner, shares today the tips to evolve you and your team to live a re-creative day. This is Day 1, an introduction, of a 7-day series on evolution in you and your workplace. https://youtu.be/48r4Pyqrq0g

#leadership #apexthinking #uphillgrowth #empowerment #engagement #businessevolution #personalgrowth #growthhacking #freshwind #joedutkiewicz #crayonleadership #emotionalintelligence #socialskills #emotionalskills #shrm #hr #management