APEX Thinking Moment – May 19 2017

We often feel our mind is overworked. “We just can’t think today…” or “Let me think…”, we tell ourselves. Usually it is because we are not relaxed and we are feeling stressed. What instructions are you giving your mind, your subconscious? Have you given it the right and best conditions to be ready to receive your thoughts? In order to get what we want, better health, wealth, really execute on playing the piano, feeding those needing a lift up, bringing the basics to people in a distant land, we need to clear the line of communication to our other half of our brain. Disrupt the “disease”, break the debilitating nature of how we talk and get cozy with the greatest part of our body that can see toward a better tomorrow today. “When your mind is relaxed and you accept an idea, your subconscious goes to work to execute the idea.” ~ Joseph Murphy

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