APEX Thinking May 16 2017

Whether it is our personal lives or in the workplace, we are trying to fly through the thoughts. What happens? We aren’t growing. We skip the moments to pause and develop the needed talents with each other to reach our personal or business destiny. Learn to capture the “Ummm” time between sentences to pause and reflect on why are you doing what you are doing. Grow to make a difference. Others are needing you to be living at the APEX. “When we learn to appreciate the “pauses” between our thoughts, we uncover our present waiting to be explored and shared!” ~Joe Dutkiewicz

#intentionalliving #empowerment #engagement #growth #growthhacking #leadership #vision #plan #purpose #sweetspot #makeadifference #startsmall #positivechange #practice #success #significance #sustainablegrowth #change #relationships #powerofthought #attitude #apexthinking #navigation #growthmindset #bemorethanthedot #thought #quote #crayonleadership #joedutkiewicz #courageous #mindset #valueothers #believeinothers #loveothers