Empowerment Daily October 17 2016


Who do you say that you are? Look at your cultural background, all that your senses have told you and what your mind tells you. What is the sum total of your reality? It is different for each person. What are you mastering in your life? Where do you need attention? Go deeper! Learn what capacity you still have within you to be more than you are at LIVE2LEAD 2016. Go http://bit.ly/2afIGVy Register today in Milwaukee for October 27th. Hear from Simon Sinek on managing and leading millennials. You won’t need to continue fretting and whining you need to figure it out. Get there now! BONUS: 90 day Family Membership from the WAC for one paid attendee! Learn from local leaders’ insights on thriving teams!

Finally, what am I doing today to be the “name” people think of on the topic of self-mastery?

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