Empowerment Daily August 15 2016

Aug 15 EmpowerDaily

We each have the ability to do something magical in our daily lives! Each day we are given many opportunities to grow and develop. It is our choice to fall prey to our habits or review them and determine how we might be more effective. When we need to act, do we react or respond? React with impulse, delusional thinking, blame casting, anger? Do we take a moment to evaluate what might transpire and then choose to respond to the real truth of the moment with wisdom and compassion? Attend LIVE2LEAD Milwaukee 2016 http://l2lmilwaukee16.eventbee.com Walk with the great leadership thinkers of our time. Amp up your understanding of who you are and who you want to be! Lock in your seat and join us at the Apex Leader Table! Don’t miss the killer offer!

‪#‎crayonleadership‬ ‪#‎theconnectivityedge‬ ‪#‎intentionalliving‬ ‪#‎empowerment‬ ‪#‎engagement‬ ‪#‎growth‬ ‪#‎leadership‬ ‪#‎vision‬ ‪#‎plan‬ ‪#‎purpose‬ ‪#‎sweetspot‬ ‪#‎makeadifference‬ ‪#‎startsmall‬ ‪#‎positivechange‬ ‪#‎practice‬ ‪#‎success‬ ‪#‎significance‬ ‪#‎opportunity‬ ‪#‎joedutkiewicz‬ ‪#‎sustainablegrowth‬ ‪#‎change‬ ‪#‎relationships‬ ‪#‎powerofthought‬ ‪#‎attitude‬