Empowerment Daily August 11 2016

Aug 11 EmpowerDaily

What makes your mind’s fire go from pilot light to full flame? When there is a topic that needs exploring in the area of our passion for our life, the flame level increases. Feed the flame by investing in you and others will be inspired by the brilliance of your mind’s flame!

LIVE2LEAD MILWAUKEE 2016 http://l2lmilwaukee16.eventbee.com Walk with the great leadership thinkers of our time. Amp up your understanding of love within you. Lock in your seat and spend time networking with others thinking how you could more effectively love! Don’t miss the special offer!

‪#‎crayonleadership‬ ‪#‎theconnectivityedge‬ ‪#‎intentionalliving‬ ‪#‎empowerment‬ ‪#‎engagement‬ ‪#‎growth‬ ‪#‎leadership‬ ‪#‎vision‬ ‪#‎plan‬ ‪#‎purpose‬ ‪#‎sweetspot‬ ‪#‎makeadifference‬ ‪#‎startsmall‬ ‪#‎positivechange‬ ‪#‎practice‬ ‪#‎success‬ ‪#‎significance‬ ‪#‎opportunity‬ ‪#‎joedutkiewicz‬ ‪#‎sustainablegrowth‬ ‪#‎change‬ ‪#‎relationships‬ ‪#‎powerofthought‬ ‪#‎attitude‬