Empowerment Daily August 03 2016

Aug 03 EmpowerDaily

People have the ability to change their attitude, their whole being at will. Good or bad. What are you doing this moment to get ready to reveal your spectacular self? Attitude matters! It impacts those around you too! In Milwaukee Wisconsin, walk with the great leadership thinkers of our time. Lock in your seat to hear from these masters and immediately put it to use to unlock you! –> LIVE2LEAD MILWAUKEE 2016 http://l2lmilwaukee16.eventbee.com

‪#‎crayonleadership‬ ‪#‎theconnectivityedge‬ ‪#‎intentionalliving‬ ‪#‎empowerment‬ ‪#‎engagement‬ ‪#‎growth‬ ‪#‎leadership‬ ‪#‎vision‬ ‪#‎plan‬ ‪#‎purpose‬ ‪#‎sweetspot‬ ‪#‎makeadifference‬ ‪#‎startsmall‬ ‪#‎positivechange‬ ‪#‎practice‬ ‪#‎success‬ ‪#‎significance‬ ‪#‎opportunity‬ ‪#‎joedutkiewicz‬ ‪#‎sustainablegrowth‬ ‪#‎change‬ ‪#‎relationships‬ ‪#‎powerofthought‬ #attitude