Lead With Gratitude – It Changes The World!


The thoughts of being grateful to another is typically expressed at this time of the year with the holiday season that runs from mid-November to early January. It may take on a form of a verbalized thought or another sign of expression like a physical gift presented to another person. It may be simple. It may be elaborate.

What is Gratitude? What is the Leadership of Gratitude?

Gratitude may be defined as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Gratitude is the currency of human relationships much in the same way as human relationship is the currency of enlightened leaders. Leaders must connect first on a personal basis with others, whether team members, peers leaders or with customers. A relationship must be forged, to understand the other person and to see how to best serve the needs of that person.

Dr. Henry Cloud noted, “Leaders must create the environment, experiences and opportunities where your best people can attend in order to innovate and think for themselves….If you have the right people on board, they will exceed your wildest expectations.”

If gratitude is not only the greatest virtue but the parent of all others according to Cicero, then is it not that a leader, each person who has the ability to influence others, incumbent to have gratitude as a base in every relationship that is created?

Do you integrate gratitude and model it by example to all you lead? Listening to these thoughts for me is a great reminder to reflect on each day whether I led from gratitude this day or did I just let the opportunities go by. Over time, I have found that I have grown in this virtue. I also know that I need to continue to incorporate it daily within my thoughts and deeds. I do look at the following in this reflection among other questions on gratitude:

  • What determines when you will express gratitude to another person?
  • Do you have more potential planned acknowledgements than actual acknowledgements?
  • Did you put off an acknowledgement today? How many times today?
  • Are these expressions deep expressions from the heart or just the course of a general thank-you that may be delivered for someone doing a nicety?

Gratitude leading is so deep that it may be understood as “Thanksgiving on Steroids”. It goes beyond just sitting around the table once a year and saying “I am thankful for…”. Each and everyday I have the opportunity to let another person know how much I appreciate them for allowing me to serve them and their needs and the growth in me that has happened because of that relationship.

What is the benefit to this way of life if it is modeled daily by the leader with his or her team, group, peers, customers? It is by choice that the leader takes this step. Feeling better about others and, in turn, oneself. If others in a team receive and see it, then will model it with each other and beyond. Stronger satisfied empowered high performance teams dedicated to realizing the goals and vision of the team or organization.

Leaders enjoy an elevated mood, reduced stress, improved health, and improved cognitive capacity to learn tasks faster, retain it and increase depth of analysis. Beyond this for each team, benefits include: higher motivation and engagement, improved work relationship and job satisfaction, strengthening of team members’ relationships and relationships outside of the workplace. If that isn’t enough, science has found that living the life of gratitude leads to possibly adding nine years to one’s life!

“If you start today to do the right thing, you are already a success even if it doesn’t show yet.” ~John C. Maxwell

Each change I make in myself to more fully led by gratitude will be one step closer to transforming myself. The impact though is received by all we encounter, potentially improving their world. In turn, we change the face of the world with each step! Will you join me in making each day a day led by Gratitude?

From The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard:

“A vibrant and happy life begins at the path of gratitude. So let us be more appreciative and thankful each day:

Let me be thankful for all the light that surrounds me.
Let me be thankful to any caregivers who inspire me.
Let me be thankful to my lover, who overlooks my shortcomings.
Let me be thankful to the women and men who risk their lives to protect my freedoms.
Let me be thankful for the blue tint of the sky and the beauty of our natural world.
Let me be thankful for the heart that drums life through me.
Let me be thankful for last night’s rest, no matter its length.
Let me be thankful for my gifts of free will, of volition, of endurance.
Let me be thankful to my mentors and to the traitors who also instructed me.
Let me be thankful that I am not living in deeper need and squalor.
Let me be thankful for my home, for my daily bread, for my clean water.
Let me be thankful for the opportunity to work and create and earn.
Let me be thankful for the luck that has advanced me, and the disasters and tribulations that have educated me.
Let me be thankful for the blank slate that comes each morning.
Let me be thankful for my breath and the clean moment at hand.
Let me be thankful to my Creator.

It is in finding so many things to be thankful for that we become appreciative and alive. Just as we have done with joy, let us make it our aim to become masters of gratitude.”

Note: I thank you for reading this post with purpose and reflection. Please share these thoughts with others if you find value in them. It may just be what that person needs this day. I believe in the abundance and write down and share these thoughts to serve others to become more effective and living an intentional life.